Year 2
Week beginning 13th July 2020
Good morning Year 2!
Here is your home learning for the final week as year twos! There are some lovely activities for you to look back at your year and remember what you have learned and how you have grown. I can't believe it is the end of our school year and that the next time we'll meet will be your first day as Juniors - Year 3s! I honestly can't wait to have you all back in school.
Congratulations to Annie and Laycie for making the next level in Lexia, just in time for the summer holidays! Well done also to Joe for another bronze certificate in Mathletics.
It's now time for a long and deserved summer holidays for you all. Let's hope the sun remembers to shine for us and we get to enjoy lots of long days outdoors with our families and friends.
Take care, stay safe, have fun and laugh lots!
Love from Mrs Thompson
Week beginning 6th July 2020
Good morning Year 2!
Well that was a very wet weekend wasn't it?! I can see the sunshine now so I think we'll be having a lovely day today. Fingers crossed the sunshine stays!
There was some great work shared on Evidence Me last week around the theme of music.
I am in school with some children of key workers and they deafened me with their music on Garage Band! Year 3's page had a link to a funny version of an Ed Sheeran song - have a look, you might love it too!
This week's theme is all about
and the planets and solar systems beyond our own Planet Earth. There are several links to click on for some interesting stories and facts all about Space.
We still have time to submit our scores for Virtual School Sports Week. This sunny morning is a great time to get those last activities counted and timed. Sock throwing, speed bounce, star jumps? Which shall it be first? There are several records to beat with the balance challenge - can you go for 10 minutes? 15 minutes? Or our in school record of 20 minutes?!
Big congratulations to our only certificate winner this week, Joe and his bronze Mathletics certificate. Well done Joe!
Stay safe and have fun!
love from Mrs Thompson
Week beginning 29th June
Good morning Year 2!
Well, we are very lucky that this rain has only been with us a week but how awful is it not to be able to spend hours outside?! We'll just have to be even more creative about how we spend our indoor hours and that makes this week's Virtual School Sports Week even more important! Click on the basketball hoop below and it will take you to the awesome videos that Year 6 have posted showing us how to tackle their sports challenges. All you have to do is download the form and start timing yourself or counting your efforts. Why don't you get some practice in today so that you're the best you can be when you get round to counting? Sports Week is open for 2 weeks so plenty of time for improvement!
This is the first week we have no Mathletics or Lexia certificates. We have 3 weeks left of Year 2. Why not give yourself a challenge to reach the next level and achieve a certificate if you can? Some of you are very, very close!
This week's learning is all about Music and I've been singing along to Glastonbury all weekend! I know you'll find some exciting projects to do if you follow any of the links on the pencil below. Remember all the maths have video lessons from the BBC Bitesize and the worksheets are attached to download.
Good luck and stay safe!
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning 22nd June
Good morning Year 2!
Thank you for all your posts to Evidence Me! There has been some lovely work done on the Rainforest. I must say an enormous well done to all of you who are enjoying the maths and English activities. You are doing so well keeping your skills fresh and your brains active!
This week's learning is all about significant people from the past. There are links to Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, who we know already, but also links to many other people from the past who have changed things for the better. If you haven't yet done research into our Cumbrian past, you might want to click on the link Famous Cumbrians and find out about a local person. If you have done this research already, you might want to find out about someone else you have heard about. The news recently has been celebrating the lives of many people from the past.
It's also National Sports Week and there is a link from the home learning page to lots of sporting activities you can take part in. It lasts all week so you have plenty of time!
Congratulations to Joe, Laycie and Millie for earning their Bronze certificates in Mathletics. No certificates this week but lots of minutes put in by most children and some of you very, very close to the next level.
Stay safe and happy!
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning Monday 15th June
Good morning Birch Class!
Thank you to all of you who shared their learning this week on Evidence Me - lots of super sports activities including an amazing, giant family obstacle course from Edward! Quite a few of you are enjoying helping in the kitchen at home, baking cakes and preparing meals for your families. These are special times that you will remember always. I'm sure off you ask your parents they will remember baking with their parents and grandparents. It's how we pass the best recipes on through time.
Congratulations to Ava, Lily and Edward this week for reaching their next levels in Lexia. Super work - your certificates are on their way to you! I've seen many of you using Mathletics and this week Laycie and Millie have earned their bronze certificates - well done girls!
This week's learning is all centred around
The Rainforest!
See if you can use what you know about the continents and oceans too find the areas of our planet where the rainforests are located. There are some super stories included as well as one of my favourite video stories from The Literacy Shed called Caterpillar Shoes - I hope you love it as much as I do!
Maths this week is a bit different and we are linking White Rose maths to the BBC Bitesize lessons that you have been following. Click on the blue pencil below for all this week's links.
I'm already looking forward to seeing your work on Evidence Me!
Take care and have fun learning!
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning 8th June
Good morning Year 2!
Today is World Ocean Day and there are some fabulous activities on the new link below. The first challenge is to dress up in blue! Can you find something blue to wear? Can you become completely blue?! Send a picture on Evidence Me of yourself doing something for or about our amazing oceans. Can you name them?!
We have an exciting week of sporting activities and challenges this week so please click on the red pencil below to take you to this week's learning.
Congratulations to Annie, Holly and Jessica for their fabulous work on Lexia and getting to their next level! And congratulations to Laycie for another bronze certificate in Mathletics! Give yourself a challenge and see if your name can be up here next week!
* New in* more bronze Mathletics superstars Ava, Henry, Millie and Laycie!
Check out the new links below the pencil for more summer activities - World Ocean Day, Summer Reading Challenge and Earth School.
Have fun!
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning June 1st 2020
Hello Birch Class!
Welcome back to our home learning page! It has been an unbelievably beautiful half term week and I'm sure you'll have been enjoying plenty of sunshine and fresh air! I have been walking along the lanes and swimming in the river nearby to cool down, but I'm still just with my own household. I've loved seeing all your activities on Evidence Me and I'm looking forward to adding comments to your pictures all this week - keep them coming!
Big congratulations to Holly and Jessica reaching their next Lexia levels! And we have lots of Mathletics stars this week. Well done to Ava, Joe, Laycie, Millie and Lily who all achieved a bronze certificate. Laycie also achieved a Silver certificate so an extra well done to her!
There's a new link below to a daily story time and the first story is Lost and Found! Remember the lost polar bear? Then listen in and I'm sure you'll be able to join in as you remember the words!
We have some wonderful learning for you this week, based Under the Sea. Last time we were in class together we were learning all about Jacques Cousteau, the Manfish. This week you get a chance to find out even more about the wonderful sea creatures in our seas and oceans. There are activities for exploring the beach and under the water and to make a sea turtle out of junk modelling!
*NEW* Click HERE for a new whole school nature quest. This week's quest is The Nature of Oceans: How big is the ocean?
Have fun!
Love from Mrs Thompson
Week beginning 18th May 2020
Good morning Birch Class and welcome back after the weekend. We've ha d bit of rain which should be helping your gardens grow - everything has become even greener overnight!
This week's learning is all about Celebrations! There are lots of fun activities, including party planning and a computing project from Miss West to teach your sprites to disco dance!
We have two Lexia superstars this week - well done to Holly and Jason for getting to the next level. A very well done to Laycie - again! - who has achieved a bronze certificate in Mathletics. All certificates will be on their way to your emails soon!
Click on the new link below to find out about our whole school project about famous Cumbrians. Well done Lily for completing your research. You'll find all the work in a gallery if you follow the link. This week's picture news is about designing your dream home! Click on the pencil to find all of this week's learning. We also have a whole school art project for drawing someone you know and love from the older generation - older than your mum or dad! Click HERE to listen to this inspiring story about grandparents.
Keep up with reading and maths and join in BBC Bitesize when you can. Even though it's raining you'll still need to keep healthy, so use all that you have learned about healthy food and exercise to keep yourself in tip top form!
Take care and keep safe,
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning Monday 11th May
Welcome back to home school after another sunny weekend and a wonderful chance to celebrate VE Day with your families - I cant wait to see your pictures on Evidence Me!
I have enjoyed eating outside every day this weekend. My children take turns to cook a family meal and this week it was food from Mexico - hot food in the hot sun!
This week's learning is all about food - school dinners, healthy eating, fruit and vegetables and all thinks edible. Some of you have already been cooking and baking and I've seen some of you have planted your own vegetables in your gardens. I can't wait to see what you grow and I bet you can't wait to taste it!
There is a new computing challenge from Miss West using Scratch - just follow the link on the home learning pencil below.
Congratulations to our Lexia superstars this week, Laycie and Ava who have both reached their next level!
I have also caught up with all of our Mathletics superstars and bronze certificates are on their way to Isaac H, Amelia, Joe, Laycie, Millie and Mia. Well done all! An extra special well done to Joe who has also reached silver this week.
Enjoy your learning! I cant wait to see your work on Evidence Me - it really makes me smile!
Love from
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning Monday 4th May
Welcome back after another very sunny weekend! This week's learning is all about animals and there are some fun activities to follow. Some of you have already shared stories and pictures of various animals - tadpoles, foxes, slow worms, caterpillars, birds, hedgehogs - as well as pictures of your pets! It'll be good to see what you find out this week about different animals.
Well done for those of you who are keeping up with Lexia, Mathletics and TT Rockstars - you are making giant strides! Let's see who can reach a certificate this week. Please continue to access BBC Bitesize for their fabulous English, Maths, History, Geography and Science lessons.
**New** Please find a link to the new spellings and handwriting page below.
We have a special day on Friday this week to mark the ending of the World War in 1945. It's called Victory in Europe Day, or VE Day. Look at this week's Picture News to find out more.
VE Day Activity:
Learn some 1940s dance moves! Find out what the Lindy Hop was and see if you can learn it with the help of someone at home! You could perform it for your family or even create a dance tutorial for others to learn the moves.
Follow this link for ideas for a VE Day party
Have great week!
Mrs Thompson
Lexia Super Stars!
You've impressed me this week - nearly everyone has done all of their minutes! Joe, Mia and Jessica has each achieved their next level and gain their certificates this week.
Well done Birch Class
Week beginning 27th April
Hello Birch Class!
Welcome back after a very sunny weekend! Thank you for some brilliant work that you have shared using Evidence Me - please thank your grown ups as well! I am so impressed by the writing, the maths, the science and the history many of you are working on. You are brilliant!
And congratulations to Lily for her Lexia certificate last week. Aim to do your minutes each week and you might be next to get to the next Level!
As well as our usual Maths and English, this week's learning is all about our homes and their windows looking out on the world. There are some great links to follow in the document and there is also a lovely story about a window below. There are questions and activities below that you can follow.
Please remember to log in to BBC Bitesize Daily - there will be a quick 20 minute programme then lots of activities and games linked that you can catch up on throughout the day. *Click HERE*
Also below, check out this week's Picture News all about Captain Tom - some of you may have heard of him already but here's a chance to know why people feel he is a hero for our time.
Enjoy your home learning!
Mrs Thompson
Week beginning 20th April
Earth Day & Our Environment
Welcome back to school!
I hope you really enjoyed the sunny weekend and managed to get outside for some time in the fresh air.
Our activities this week are all to do with our world and the environment and our role in taking care of the earth for all our futures. Earth Day falls on Wednesday 22nd April this year and if you follow the link below it will take you to some Eco Challenges to do at home or with your family. Click *HERE* to follow the link.
Please continue to follow the activities linked in our weekly learning document and share what you do in your Home Learning book and on Evidence Me.
The BBC have also designed lessons for all children and this is the link to the Year 2 learning. There is a 20 minute programme each day and then you can access all the games and activities on BBC iPlayer on your TV, your computer, your iPad or any other device that accesses the internet. It's called Bitesize Daily. Click *HERE* to follow the link.
We also have a design Eco Challenge! Design, draw and label an eco area for the new school grounds or a flower bed that you think would attract insects. Think carefully about the wildlife in the school grounds, what materials and plants you would use and why, and where it would be best to place your habitat!
Keep going with your reading and Lexia - we had 5 certificates last week and already we have one this week (well done Lily!). A little bit each day helps. If you're struggling, let me know when I speak to you on the phone during the week. I can see a few of you haven't logged on for a while... you can do it!
Have a great week!
from Mrs Thompson
This week's Picture News!
Think of some of the ways we make journeys e.g. walk, bike, car, train, aeroplane, boat, spacerocket.
List the ways you have travelled before.
Are there any you haven’t done but would like to?
- Which is or do you think will be your favourite way to travel? Why?
Imagine you are going on a journey. You can travel anywhere you want!
Think about:
Where will you go?
How will you travel there?
Who will you go with?
How long will it take?
- What will the journey be like?
Use pictures, words and sentences to share your journey.
Try these activities below about maps and travel
Congratulations to Laycie, Joe, Harry, Mia and Isaac H on reaching their next Lexia level! Certificates are on their way via email and new paper Lexia to follow.
Welcome back after the Easter Holidays
I hope you've all had a great time at home with your families and I really hope you haven't eaten too much chocolate!
Please find below some new activities to get started with this week - click on the pencil for week beginning 14th April.
Try to log onto Lexia, Times Table Rock Stars and Mathletics as soon as you can this week. Let me know if you have any problems when I phone you later in the week.
Stay safe
from Mrs Thompson