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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Bradbury House Pen Pals

Bradbury house is a residential care home in Gosforth. The home is now on lock down and this means that residents will not be able to have visitors or see friends and family. So as a school we thought it would be nice if we could send them some letters and pictures to cheer them up! 


Nicola who is the care home manager has said that when they receive letters and pictures from the pupils at Seascale School, she will email a photo to Mrs Connor who will then put the photos up on the website, so that you can see how your letter or picture has brightened someone's day blush


You could:

  • Write a letter and tell the person about yourself.
  • Paint/draw a picture (there are lots of rainbow pictures being posted on social media)


If you are able to help, please send your letters and picture to:


Bradbury House

Wasdale Road



CA20 1AU


Don't forget to say that you are from Seascale School!


Nicola from Bradbury house has very kindly sent a picture of all your amazing pictures and letters that you have sent to the residents. I am sure you have made them smile during these difficult times. Thank you and well done to all the children who took part. blush