Freddy's adventures
Hi everybody,
I'm sorry that I forgot to send you a message last week, sometimes i'm such a forgetful frog!
I've had a very busy week at Mrs Connor's house. I've been for lots of walks and did a scavenger hunt with Freya, we even found a painted log slice with a bee on! I helped Freya write a list of all the things we spotted on our walk by using Fred talk to sound out the words.
I have also been playing with Play dough which was great fun and I even had a ride on Mrs Connor's cat Theo, he is very nice and sometimes I like to sit with him on the sofa. Mrs Connor is getting a puppy this week and I am very excited to meet her and I will send you some photos next week.
I am missing you all very much and I know that you are working hard at home.
Take care my year 1 friends.
Lots of love from