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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

What are rivers and how are they used?

Alder Class sorting the features of a river into upper, middle and lower course

We enjoyed building models to show the courses and features of a river

Our finished models!

Alder Class enjoyed hunting for the human and physical river features on our Kepplewray 'Source to Sea' trip along the River Duddon - We saw the source of the river in the form of a bog, tributaries, meanders, a floodplain, a waterfall, an oxbow lake and the mouth of the river at the estuary!

We had lots of fun exploring the features of the River Duddon!

After the river trip, we drew some detailed sketches of the physical and human river features we saw.

Using atlases to locate and label the 5 longest UK rivers

Sorting river features into physical (natural) and human (man-made) features
