Adult Mental Health
Mental Health Foundation This guide provides you with our best tips on how to look after your mental health - backed by research. Protecting our mental health is easier than you might think. We can all do it every day, and with simple activities that help us feel OK, we’re better able to cope with life. It’s like brushing your teeth daily – important in preventing problems. It’s the same for our mental health. It can also be fun! Each of our tips has been created to help us look after our mental health, and, importantly, each is backed up by evidence from research.
Young Minds Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling, we can help.
Young Minds Parents Helpline and Chat We offer three different services to parents and carers who are concerned about their child’s mental health, up to the age of 25. Here, you can find out more about our Parents Helpline, Webchat and Email service.
First Steps Cumbria "We all feel low or worry from time to time and usually these feelings fade away on their own. But when they just won’t go away or start to interfere with your day-to-day life, First Step can help you get back on track."