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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Week 5 4/5/2020

Hi Everyone,


Hope you are all keeping safe and having fun with your families? I have really enjoyed seeing your photos on evidence me, many thanks to parents for doing this. This week our learning is all about viewpoints and expressing our opinion, but we are also thinking about VE day on the 8th May which will be very different this year. There are some fun fun ideas on our class page to help you celebrate.


Take Care everyone 


Mrs Connor blush

VE Day Activity Ideas


Street party activities:

Make an invitation to a VE street party.

Design a menu for a street party

Make bunting for a street party.

Decorate your house in red, white and blue: 



Learn some 1940s dance moves! Find out what the Lindy Hop was and see if you can learn it with the help of someone at home! You could perform it for your family or even create a dance tutorial for others to learn the moves. The party pack includes Lindy Hop dance moves to learn and some 1940s songs. Scroll down for a direct link to the PDF.


Sing-a-long activity:

At 9pm on BBC, watch the nationwide sing-a-long of ‘We’ll meet again.’ If it’s too late, follow the link to learn the song yourself!

VE day party pack
