Weekly Learning 04.05.20
Hello Year 5!
I hope you are all staying safe and well.
I had a much quieter week last week as the weather hasn't been as nice! I hope you've all managed to find things to keep you busy! I've enjoyed seeing your observations and am thrilled to see those of you who are keeping up with Lexia and TTRS - great work!
This week, your learning is themed around 'animals' and I think there are some lovely activities!
You may also know that we celebrate VE day on Friday 8th May which is the day that marks the end of World War Two. This year, it is extra special as it is the 75th anniversary of VE day. Therefore, we would love it if you could mark it in some way. On this page you'll find lots of activities for you to choose from. If you could send pictures of what you do into school, that would be even better!
Have fun and speak soon!
Mrs Wells
Weekly Home Learning
Picture News VE Day Activities
National Memorial Arboretum VE Day Activities
Positive Footprints VE Day Activity
VE Day Activity Ideas
Listen to Churchill’s full speech here: https://winstonchurchill.org/resources/speeches/1941-1945-war-leader/end-of-the-war-in-europe/
Consider: How do you think people felt hearing those words on the radio?
Street party activities:
Make an invitation to a VE street party.
Design a menu for a street party
Make bunting for a street party.
Decorate your house in red, white and blue: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/4TrqYDyf4PMdLypxzyTwGDg/great-british-bunting
Learn some 1940s dance moves! Find out what the Lindy Hop was and see if you can learn it with the help of someone at home! You could perform it for your family or even create a dance tutorial for others to learn the moves. The party pack includes Lindy Hop dance moves to learn and some 1940s songs. Scroll down for a direct link to the PDF.
Sing-a-long activity:
At 9pm on BBC, watch the nationwide sing-a-long of ‘We’ll meet again.’ If it’s too late, follow the link to learn the song yourself!