In the first week of our Light topic, we learnt the different between natural and artificial light. We made a list of all of the different light sources we could think of.
In this weeks science lesson, we learnt about how different materials can be reflective. We discussed why you might need reflective clothing such as for jobs or for when you walking in the dark. We then carried out an investigation to see what items in our classroom were reflective.
In this Science lesson, we explored shadows including how they are formed. We then carried out an experiment to see what happened to shadows when the light sources moves further away. We discovered that the shadow gets longer when you move the light source back.
Today, we learnt all about sun safety and how the sun can damage our skin and own eyes. We carried out an experiment using colour changing UV beads to show how powerful the Uv rays from the sun are. The beads without sun cream changed colour immediately. However, the beads with factor 30 and 50 sun cream on stayed clear. We then made sun safety posters to offer advice to the rest of the school on how to protect yourself from the sun.
Today, we learnt about how shadows can change size and position throughout the day. We placed a bottle in the sun and drew around the shadow every hour. We then measured the shadows to see how they had changed size. We also spoke about why the shadow moved.