Artists Study
This unit is based on great artists in History and to understand how to analyse famous paintings.
David Hockney
'My Parents'

We analysed the painting above and wrote detailed descriptions using it as a stimulus.

‘My Parents’ description
Paulo Rego
'The Dance'

We asked questions about the text and then used it as a starting point to create a backstory for the dance using the people as our inspiration.

Lubaina Himid

In pairs we gave ourselves role 'describer' and 'interpreter' the describer was looking at the image to describe the other sat away from it and had to draw it. It was really interesting to see the finished drawings and discuss how good our descriptions were.
Describes and interpreters

We then looked at the image in more detail and wrote notes about what meaning we thought the artist was trying to convey.

To link to our computing unit 'We are connected' where we have been writing blogs about a current issue we feel is important. We made a piece of artwork that we felt conveyed our individual issue and combined it to create a collaborative piece.
Frank Bowling
'Sacha Jason Guyana Dreams'

We watched a video about how Frank Bowling created his pieces and had a discussion about his pieces and what feeling they evoked. We had some time to plan our own abstract piece before using Bowling’s techniques to create them.

Abstract art outside 🌞