Write to Unite
Write to Unite
What do we do?
Visit writetounite.co.uk to get started. Create a poem, story, letter or diary using inspiration from the site or using your own ideas. The website has storyboard plans, word banks, templates and ideas, as well as a writing portal for you to submit your work.
What can we write about?
There are lots of example topics but you can choose to write about absolutely anything, as long as it is cheerful! Remember the aim of the project is to spread positivity and hope.
Do I have to work on my own?
No! If you would like to work individually, there is a section for Youngsters to work alone. However, there is also a Family section where you could create a story or poem together with other people in your house. You could even ask relations in other houses to send you some verses to make a huge family poem!
How will my writing be used?
Write to Unite are planning to publish some of the writing submitted to the site, so you might end up with your work being in a real book!
Any hard copies of poems could also be written/printed out and decorated, on A4 paper or smaller, for Mrs Sutton, who is collecting art work and poetry at her home on behalf of NHS nurses. Your work will be laminated and used to brighten up the recovery ward at Whitehaven Sports Centre.