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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Anti-Bullying Week

Odd Socks Day

Make Some Noise - Live Assembly

We joined the live lesson and learnt about this tears theme. We watched a scenario and matched up the terms ‘power’ ‘intention’ ‘hurt’ ‘repetition’ ‘speak up’.

Banter vs Bullying

We listened to more scenarios and played the game Banter vs Bullying to discuss different bullying behaviours.

We understood that banter can sometimes begin ok but then can become uncomfortable or too far. We had an opportunity to write down some useful phrases that we can use if we find ourselves in that situation.

We talked about how important it is to be an ally to others and how it feels to give support to others or get support.

Picture News - Protected Characteristics

We joined over 1000 schools around the country for a live lesson all about British Values. We talked about what each of them meant and how we show that we understand them.

We heard from Jack, who works for Olly and Pop, who talked about what the protected characteristics are and how they are protected in society. We also learnt that they are ever changing to best protect everyone.
