Week beginning 20/4/20
Congratulations to these Lexia superstars from the last few weeks!
Hi Beech Class!
It has been wonderful to see and hear about all of the amazing things you have been getting up to at home; both from the website and your own choices too. Well done everyone! ⭐️🌟
Aren't we lucky to have this lovely weather? You have been doing some brilliant exercising, den building, gardening and even lambing in the sunshine! ☀️
Don't forget to write in your diary about your home learning so you can share it in the future because we will be talking about it for years to come! ✏️
Your projects this week are all about the environment because Earth Day is on Wednesday 22nd April! See below for your choices. 🌎🌍🌏
BBC Bitesize have started sharing some videos and resources to help you with your learning while at home. This is optional extra or alternative work (instead of the choices). Have a look and see if anything looks useful or interesting - click on the BBC Bitesize page to find out more.
We are missing you all very much at school and can't wait to see more of what you are doing.
Miss Conroy 🦒
P.S. Mrs Merry has set everyone up on Yumu Charanga - you can work through it just like music at school with Mrs Carnall. Check your Evidence Me messages for details!
Click to View/Download This Week's Home Learning as a PDF
Earth Day Comprehension
(Twinkl.co.uk - to be removed after lockdown)

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