In PSHE this week, we explored the different textures and tastes of fruit. We developed some cutting skills to make a phunky foods recipe; super crunch.
This week we talked about how learning how to deal with stress can help us keep our minds and bodies healthy. We had a look at some pictures of people and had to decide whether they were stressed or not, and if so, why were they stressed? We then put the pictures in order of who looked the most stressed.
In the first week of our new topic. We had a discussion about how to stay healthy. We used Jigsaw Jo to think about what we can do if we lack motivation to stay fit and healthy.
Our Topic for Spring 1 is 'Healthy me'.
This week we made some beautiful birds for our garden of dreams and goals. We worked as a team, focusing on making sure everyone was taking part in creating and making the birds.
Last week, we chose a goal from our Jigsaw programme that we we would like to work on the most. Some children chose to learn the macarena dance and some children decided to make a card for a special person.