Alder Class
Welcome to Alder Class 2024-2025
Alder Class is our Year 4 and Year 5 Class.
Mrs Wells is the class teacher in Willow class.
Mrs Baker and Mrs Cormack teach alongside Mrs Wells, supporting the delivery of Maths and English.
Mrs Coates, Mrs Wake and Mrs Park work in class supporting the children with their learning.
Miss Jackson and Miss West teach in Willow class on Thursdays.
Our Class Charter
Alder Newsletters
Take a look to see what we will be learning each half-term.
Archive Alder Class 2023-24
Our achievements!
Our Class Charter
Our Class Newsletters
Welcome to Alder Class, Year 2 and Year 3
Miss Little and Mrs Thompson are the Class Teachers for Year 2 and Year 3.
In the mornings for Maths and English, Miss Little teaches Year 2 and Mrs Thompson teaches Year 3.
In the afternoons, Year 2 and Year 3 are taught together in one class.
Miss West also teaches for one afternoon.
Mrs Davies is the Teaching Assistant supporting the class throughout the week.