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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Heathrow World of Work KS2


To help at home learning take off, Heathrow have created a series of fun and engaging activities aimed at children aged 7 to 11 years old. Helping to develop communication, creative thinking and problem-solving skills, these activities form part of Heathrow World of Work – a youth employment movement to inspire future careers at the airport and beyond.

1. Airport Cargo Challenge

Help our Cargo team choose the right suppliers to send goods abroad. You’ll also need to load the aeroplane and make sure it’s balanced on both sides. Time: 45 mins.

2. Communications Challenge

Test your creative writing skills by working with our Communications team to interact with passengers on social media and in the Terminal. Time: 45 mins

3. Airport Quiz

Read an article which includes some of the weird and wonderful facts about the airport before testing your knowledge and memory with the Airport Quiz. Time: 45 mins.

4. Destination Challenge

Disappear into the wonderous world of travel and test your global location knowledge by exploring the top destinations that planes at Heathrow travel to. Time 45 mins

Share your work!

Heathrow would love to see your childrens’ work. Tweet them at @yourHeathrow or use the hashtag #HeathrowHomeLearning

