Ofsted and Performance Data
School Numbers
- 117 pupils on roll
- 17% have special educational needs
- 12% have a diagnosis of ASD
- 6% have an Educational Health Care Plan
- 2.6% EAL/Dual Language
- 0.9% LAC
- 9.4% receive pupil premium
- 10.3% are entitled to Free School Meals
KS2 Data 2022-2023
KS2 Data 2021-2022
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
Ofsted School Inspection Reports
Financial Information
No member of staff receives a salary of over £100,000
Here is a link to the school benchmarking website, where you can compare the financial performance of different schools.
Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk)
Trade Union Facility Time.
R Crowther is our Teacher Union Representative
L Jackson is our Support Staff Union Representative