We started our new topic by reading our new class story; Rapunzel by Bethan Woolvin. We answered some questions about the front cover and made predictions about what the story could be about.
Today, we learned about adjectives. We used adjectives to describe Rapunzel’s emotions and personality and then how she looked on the outside.
In this lesson, we read more of the story and learned some information about the witch. We then used adjectives to describe the Witch, including how she looked on the outside.
Today we wrote a diary entry. We got into the role of Rapunzel and wrote about what had happened in the story so far. We also used this writing activity to learn about adjectives and why writers use these words in their stories.
We have been making predictions about our story. We also used the story to discuss the characters emotions and thought about reasons for these emotions.
Today we learnt about for and against using a conscience alley. We split into groups and made arguments for Rapunzel to escape or to stay in the castle.