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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Is food waste an issue?

We started today looking at our new Design Technology topic. We started looking at a range of pictures of families with food in front of them. 

We discussed our first reflections on the pictures. Mrs Crowther then asked us to rate them using these headings; most and least amount of food, most and least money spent on the food and most and least health food. It was great to discuss what we thought. 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Once we made our decisions Mrs Crowther shared with us how much each table of food cost and it definitely shocked us. 

Farm to Fork

We enjoyed learning all about the farm to fork process and created some posters detailing it. 

What could be healthier?

We began our new topic with a taste test, following on from the work over the last few weeks we discussed that the end result of or topic is to create a healthy bolognese recipe. 

We tasted two different samples and studied their nutritional value, making comparisons. We then had time to research in groups what ingredients make a traditional bolognese sauce alongside more alternative options such as vegetarian. 

Food Miles

We researched what food miles meant and how we can help create a sustainable future. 

Food packaging

We looked at the reduce, reuse, recycle as part of our learning about food packaging and discussed what needed to be included for British trading standings including the nutritional information and with everything we learnt we designed our own eco-friendly packaging for our bolognese sauce.

Adapting a recipe

We worked in our teams to create a healthy adaptation of a bolognese sauce. We used an online calculator to understand the nutritional value of our choices and create our label.

Once we had our ingredient list we set out to write our method. Using what we had learnt in French we translated elements of the recipe we could.
