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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

RE, PSHE & British Values

Visit from the Fire and Rescue Service

“Is forgiveness always possible for Christians?” Creating role plays exploring the theme of forgiveness

Teamwork challenge: potato people!

Year 4 have learned all about Teamwork and the important role it plays in achieving our dreams and goals. Over the unit we learned about the different qualities and skills we need to work well as a team, including: patience, compromising, conflict resolution, turn-taking, listening, encouragement, resilience, designating roles, time management and democratic decision-making. We finished our unit with a group challenge, to create a potato person with their own goals and dreams in just 25 minutes. We had to use everything we had learned to work effectively as a team to design, build and present our potato to the class.

P4C outcome from, “Why do people pray?” and, “What makes a place special?”

Jigsaw: making a paper chain from reasons we are special and unique

Resilience workshop: responding to ‘Salt in his shoes’

Visit from the CNC
