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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Reading Champions

Meet our Reading Champions

Reading Champions meeting 14.09.22


Here are some of the ideas our Champions came up with during our meeting. We took a walk around school to look at our book nooks and bookshelves outside class. 


Bookmark with things that we love for each child. 

A slogan for reading. 


Reading nooks:

Younger readers need comics. Graphic novels for older readers. 

Posters in the reading area. 

Too messy. We need to keep them tidy. Champions to tidy once a day. 

Different types of books. Columns to make it tidier. 

Do we need more books?

Chairs or big cushions to sit on. Somewhere comfy to sit and read. 

Reading Champions meeting 26.09.22


The Reading Champions met to vote for the theme of our Chatterbooks box. See their choice below!

Reading Champions Meeting 01.11.22


We would like each area to have a clipboard where children can request new books. 

Mrs Wells will create a sheet for this.

We would like a nice reading area or book corner for every class. Reading champions should ask their classes what they like about their reading areas and what is missing. 

Reading champions have been doing a good job of keeping their bookcases tidy.
