Electronic Circuits: Torches
Class product analysis of existing torch designs
Evaluating existing torch designs
Designing our torches based on criteria from a user profile
Torch assembly, based on the design criteria
Our finished torches!
When making our torches, some children noticed faults in the electricity equipment. As a result, we wrote a letter to Mrs Storey to politely ask for some new equipment:
"Dear Mrs Storey,
We are sorry to say but our school’s electricity equipment isn’t working. School may need to buy some new equipment to help the class learn because the other equipment was not working when we tried to make torches in DT, so we could not do our learning as well.
This includes:
- Little bulbs
- Batteries
- Crocodile clips
- Wires.
Would you please be able to get these things?
We do not wish to sound ungrateful, however, if we are being honest, it is not the best. It is not as good as it used to be, and will not be very helpful for the children that use it next year.
We hope you are able to get some more equipment for the whole school to learn. We would really appreciate it. There is no pressure and this may take as long as you need.
Thank you for taking the time to read our letter, and we hope you are able to get some new equipment. Don’t worry if you are unable to as we do still have the older equipment for now.
Yours sincerely,
Alder Class"