Year 1 children did a guided read of an information sheet about African animals that can be found in Zambia. They then completed a question sheet with support.
The Year 2 children used the knowledge they have gained finding out about village life in Mugumareno village in Zambia to write a diary extract as if they were a child there.
This week we have been comparing our local shop to a market stall in Zambia.These were the children's ideas.
Our topic is to compare our village with a village in Zambia.
The children successfully sorted the photographs into hot and cold places after discussing features of hot and cold places from The PowerPoint. We shone a torch on a ball to notice how the equator would be hotter.
Some of the children used the 3D animals from Ennerdale to place on the world map where they chose which continent they thought the animals came from. They were encouraged to name the animals and use the Animal Picture Atlas to check.