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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Les Jeux Olympiques

Our first few sessions this topic very useful. We took longer passes of writing in French all about the ancient and modern olympics and work collaboratively to  recognise any words in order to translate the passages. From that we had to answer true or false questions and put the information in order from memory.

Manger et Bouger

We really enjoyed learning about different foods especially as it links to both our Healthy Me JIGSAW topic and our Healthy Foods Design Technology topic.

We enjoyed learning different words for the different foods and structuring sentences correctly. 

We also got to discuss what activities we do to contribute to a healthy lifestyle and conducted a class survey.

We linked with our DT topic to write elements of our recipe in French.

A L'École

This unit was based on school! We learnt how to say the different subject names in French. We had to be confident when doing some listening exercises to make sure we could hear the correct words. We also practised our reading when we had to translate a passage in French to see if statements were true or false. 

Next was time to refresh our understanding of numbers so that we could accurately say what time we learnt different subjects. Also how to say like, love, dislike and hate so we were able to express our opinions both written and verbally about the different subjects we learn in school. 

Have a listen to see if you can understand what subjects we like and dislike in school.


This term we had a refocus on phonics in French. We looked at key sounds, some that we had learnt in previous years but also some new ones. We know that having a confident understanding of our phonics will help us read and write more accurately. 

Listen to us verbally rehearsing our sounds. 


















