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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Weekly Learning 27.4.20

Hello Year 6!


Just a quick message from Mrs Holliday. I hope you are all keeping safe and well. It has been lovely to see so many of you outside enjoying the sunshine, doing practical activities like building things and keeping active. I have enjoyed looking at the photos and videos your adults have shared on EvidenceMe, especially the videos of choir members singing the Song of the Week!


Some of you are achieving fantastic things during your time at home: finishing Lexia once and for all, learning new skills like how to use a drill or spirit level, mastering a move on the trampoline or cooking a delicious meal for your family to enjoy. Keep up the good work everyone!


As for me, I have been keeping myself busy working from home. I have been enjoying spending time in the garden and going for walks with Milo and Miss Harvey-Chadwick. We have planted some vegetables (and eaten some of them!) and have been baking cakes and biscuits to deliver to people in the community who might have to stay at home on their own. 


I look forward to seeing and hearing from lots of you soon. There are a few different activities for your home learning this week: if you have any problems accessing them, please email school and we will try to help.


Stay safe,

Mrs Holliday smiley

Window by Jeannie Baker - Questions
