Ancient Egyptians
Today, we compared the Ancient Egyptian era to the Stone Age - Iron Age. We looked at similarities and differences in their clothes, food, houses and Art. We then wrote these down in a table in our books.

In this lesson, we worked as a class to write a descriptive piece of writing to compare the Stone Age -Bronze Age and the Ancient Egyptian era. We worked with a partner to write down as many facts as we could think of, to help us with our writing.

In this lesson, we used an atlas to locate the Nile in Egypt. We onlooker at all of the different countries that the Nile runs through. We then discussed why the Nile is part of the Fertile Crescent and what this means. We watched a video and asked each other questions to learn about why the Nile was so important in the survival of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation. We also used a sample of sand to develop adjectives to describe Egypt.

We have enjoyed observing some Ancient Egyptian artefacts and discussing what they might be and what they might have been for.