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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Key Steps 1 competition 10th February 2020

Key Steps 2 and 3 competition 2nd March 2020


What we Provided   

All classes experienced a 6 week block of teaching from an experienced gymnastics coach.

Target Group

YR – Y6

What we provided (Inc. Why we provided it, potential difficulties and specific learning outcomes)

The difference we made (Inc. evidence of how we know)

Specific Learning Outcome –

To deliver quality coaching

To increase children’s knowledge and skills

To develop teacher knowledge and delivery of the key steps confidence.



Planned Provision –


Coach taught for two hours per week in curriculum time alongside the class teacher and any TAs available for the sessions.

Additional Gym club for those who wish to develop their skills further.



Ks2 team came second at the local schools competition with one pupil scoring especially high.

Gym club continuously oversubscribed.

Several children attend external gymnastic clubs















Y2 Case Study –


Understanding of gym specific vocab increased dramatically. Last session chn could perform movements without explanation or demonstration.

Forward roll / teddy bear roll, pencil roll, ½ turn front and back support, balances with large and small body parts and posture all targeted.


Increase in physical skill / ability to refine body movements

EVIDENCE - Session 1 – f/roll was very basic and unrefined. Last session all except 2 chn able to perform a technically correct f/roll to a high standard.


Increase in physical strength and confidence to try something new

EVIDENCE – No child had used vault before – after the 6 sessions most able to squat on and stretch jump off. Some were apprehensive but all enjoyed the vault by the end of the sessions.


Boys vaulting has been particularly strong.


Staff feedback – “I feel more confident to deliver sessions now and develop the skills that the coach has taught.”
