Egyptian Art
Our topic for Spring 2 is Exploring Ancient Egyptian Art.
To start our new topic off, we explored a variety of different pieces of art from the Egyptian era. We discussed what the art might tell us about the history of the Ancient Egyptians. We talked about the materials they would have had as a background as they would not have white paper like us. We used lots of different media such as tea staining and watercolours to create a background for our future drawings.

This week, we closely observed Egyptians symbols and patterns. We then had a go at drawing some of these on the background we created in our previous art lesson.

In Art, we have been looking at some examples of Egyptian Art. In preparation for making our own Egyptian scrolls, we have learnt about how scrolls were made from Papyrus and how the Art on them could tell us a story about an Egyptians life. We then used some symbols to help us develop our own ideas for our scrolls. These scrolls will represent our lives including things we love and things we do not like.

This week we made our own Egyptian paper for our scrolls, using PVA, water and sugar paper. It was very messy, but very fun!

To finish off our topic this week, we created Zines. Lots of artists use Zines to display their a Art work. We used them to show what we had learnt throughout this topic.