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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Today we started our new topic. We learnt how to weave paper. We started by exploring every day objects that were produced by weaving, including carpets and how clothes.

Our topic for Summer 1 is ‘art and design skills’.

The children in Alder class worked fantastically as a team to create a spider sculpture. The children named it Amber the Alder spider.

This week we went out to the woodlands to collect some plants. We then brought them back to class to make a collage with them. This involved lots of mathematical thinking such as ordering and grouping.

Our finished junk model animals.

This week in art we have been designing and labelling our junk model animals, which we will be making next week.

We have been making snails today by using clay and carving tools.

Our topic for Spring 2 is ‘Sculptures’. 

Our final piece, 3D money.

Our aim in Art is to eventually make our own 3D money using continuous line drawing. So this week we have examines real coins and carefully drawn them into our books.

This week in Art, we looked at some of the characters in David Tazzyman's story 'Mr Gump'. Using continuous line drawings, we drew pictures of what our expressions would be like if we were in a boring classroom, an exciting classroom and a happy classroom.

Our topic for spring 1 is Making Money.
