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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Global Learning - Current Affairs

World Earth Day

We began learning about Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1, No Poverty. We learnt about a place called Awra Amba in Ethiopia using Lyfta. We learnt through people that live there about their life. They ensure that there is no poverty in their community and they are all centered around supporting every individual that lives there.

On 15th October we took part in the Cumbria Youth Climate Summit to learn about our carbon footprint and what we can do to improve it.

The workshop we took part in was ‘Making my school Carbon Zero’ watch this space for our Eco-Councillors to make real changes in our school.

We have been learning about The Walk and Amal and it inspired us to write a poem all about 'home' and what it means to us.


Below is our recorded poem and some artwork we did to accompany it. 


If you are interested to learn more about The Walk and Amal then follow the links below.

This is what home means to us
