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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Access Art Challenge

Maria and all the Grannies (Nonnas) of the world. 

"A story of kindness during the 2020 coronavirus crisis"


Art during lockdown: Draw your Granny or Grandpa or any relative you love!


Meet Maria, a very special granny brought to life by media artist, Luca Damiani in his newly launched, illustrated video audiobook:  "Maria and all the Grannies of the World – A story of kindness during the 2020 Coronavirus crisis”.

Maria and all the Grannies (Nonnas) of the World : A story of kindness during the 2020 Coronavirus crisis

Visual Audio-Book based on the PictureBook "Maria and all the Grannies of the World", illustrated children story created during the first three/four months of the global outbreak of the Coronavirus Covid-19 in 2020.

The Nonna Maria Drawing Challenge!

Now that you have watched Nonna Maria’s story, can you create an illustration or drawing of one of your grandparents or any relative that you love, reflecting their personality?


Here are some insights into Luca's creations which hopefully will help inspire you in your drawings:

Here Luca depicted his granny Maria and her love for being in the kitchen and cooking all sorts of things, but especially pasta, pizza and cakes!

Here Luca depicted his granny Maria (can you see her?) whilst delivering food to all the neighbours and also some family members. This illustration shows the love of community that his granny had.

Here Luca depicted the building where his uncle and his family live. And actually many of the characters (humans or not!) are drawings Luca made of his friends and other family members!

Once you’ve finished your drawing of your grandma or grandpa or a relative that you love, you may want to post it to them. If it’s hard to get hold of a stamp or go to the post office, then you might want to take a photo of your drawing and send it to them by email.

We’d love to see your drawings so please tweet @accessart with #NonnaMariaChallenge

Or email and we'll share it for you! and please share your beautiful art work on evidence me so we can see your work as well.
