The Intent, Implementation and Impact of Maths at Seascale Primary School
The Intent, Implementation and Impact of Maths at Seascale Primary School
At Seascale School we are passionate about teaching Mathematics. Our intent is to ensure all children become competent and confident mathematicians who are able to think logically and are fully prepared for their future.
We aim to give children the skills to problem solve, reason and develop fluent conceptional understanding in the fundamentals of mathematics. We want children to think deeply and be able to transfer maths skills in different contexts developing mathematical curiosity. We intend to build perseverance and resilience through challenging maths and for children to understand the learning process by making mistakes.
We implement the White Rose scheme from Reception through to Year 6. White Rose curriculum aims and supports pupils to visualise a problem. With the use of the CPA approach we are able to help pupils understand mathematics and to make connections between different representations. We aim for children to be fluent describers as we place great emphasis on mathematical language and questioning so pupils can discuss the mathematics they are doing and take their ideas further. In order to be fluent mathematicians, we want pupils to love and learn more about mathematics and be experimenters.
The White Rose Maths approach focuses on reinforcing number competency, whilst providing opportunities to build reasoning and problem solving to build confidence and resilience in Maths which fully supports our intent.
At Seascale Primary School teachers plan and deliver lessons using the White Rose Scheme. Teaching styles vary to suit the children needs. Teachers ensure lessons are engaging and concepts are delivered through manageable steps. Mistakes and misconceptions are essential when learning and this is modelled by teachers. Lessons are encouraged to use concrete resources such as; numicon, base 10, cuisenaire rods and the use of a Working Wall to support all children.
Times Tables Rockstars is used to support childrens rapid recall of multiplications and works alongside the multiplication teaching within the White Rose curriculum.
We have developed an overview for ‘Key Instant Recall Facts’. Each year group spends a lesson a week deepening their understanding of their KIRF to support their wider maths learning.
The impact of our Maths Curriculum will be measured through a variety of different ways. Assessment data from White Rose Assessments, regular times table checks and retrieval questions in lessons. Alongside this, pupil and staff questionnaires and conversations will take place regularly to gather pupil and staff voice. Book looks, moderation and lesson observations will also take place throughout the year to inform the subject lead.
Teachers will ensure that Maths is delivered effectively so that pupils retain knowledge, understanding and vocabulary to achieve their age-related expectation and become competent and confident mathematicians who are able to think logically and are fully prepared for their future. Children who need extra support will be monitored and supported closely throughout the year with the use of Maths interventions in place.