Weekly Learning 08.06.20
Hello Year 5!
Sorry I was quiet last week - I had a very busy week! I hope you all had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunshine as much as I did! We were very lucky! I have really enjoyed seeing what you got up to on Evidence Me.
Last week your theme was 'under the sea.' This will link very nicely to World Oceans Day which is Monday 8th June. I have added a link to the World Ocean Day for School web page which has lots of exciting activities planned. As always, if you manage to do any of the activities, let us see them on Evidence Me.
You may also have seen or heard on the news about the Black Lives Matter protests taking place in America and across the world. Many are now happening in the UK. Picture News have produced some resources for you to look at and you may wish to discuss these with your parents at home. Your parents may even find them useful as a way of discussing these matters with you. Many of them are thought-provoking and may help you understand what's happening a little better.
Have a lovely week!
Mrs Wells