Aim High,
Reach Out,
Shine Bright!
Our School
Welcome to Seascale Primary School. Our school is a happy school. We all work together in a strong team with a common aim – to provide the best education possible within our capabilities. We believe that children are entitled to a primary education that offers: quality, breadth of experience, high standards of excellence and sense of community.
We strive to provide a nurturing environment in which all children can grow and develop into confident responsible young people, capable of achieving high levels of personal attainment.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children.
We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school:· girls and boys;· minority ethnic and faith groups;· children who need support to learn English as an additional language;· children with special educational needs;· gifted and talented children;· any children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion.
We believe in the value of a family school in which brothers and sisters can share the same experience. We pride ourselves on the strong partnership which exists between parents, pupils, staff, governors and the local community.
We aim to develop the highest standards of behaviour and self-discipline where the rights and feelings of everyone are respected.
As part of the local community, we seek to take part in local events whenever possible, and to use the local environment and expertise to enhance the curricular provision in school. We are an Eco School and have recently been re-awarded the Green Flag.
Our Assessor was most complimentary of our school:
Your Eco-Code has been used to provide clear advice, which allows young people at Seascale to make a positive difference, it is a great reflection of the ethos in your school and watching young people perform it left a beaming smile on our faces! Overall, this has been an excellent application to review. It's been incredibly heartening and inspiring to see how fully your pupils have engaged with the programme and the work that they've done has simply been astonishing - so creative, wide-spread and embedded in curriculum studies. Great work everyone and congratulations on your Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction!
July 2022
I hope that, having read this information, you will wish to visit the school to see us at work.
Only a personal visit can convey the relaxed, friendly, purposeful working atmosphere in the school.
I look forward to working with you and your family.