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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Uniform Information

School Uniform and Clothing 

Our aim is to set a standard of dress and appearance which will be appropriate and acceptable for school. We hope that parents will support us by sending pupils in the correct uniform and help us to maintain high standards.

Please make sure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.


Our school dress code is:

  • Dark grey, black or navy skirt, pinafore or trousers
  • White or navy polo shirt or shirt 
  • A navy school sweatshirt or sweatshirt cardigan
  • Black shoes 

During the summer, shorts or a blue gingham summer dress may be worn.

A variety of uniform, including sweatshirts bearing the school logo, is available from school. 


PE kit

  • Team t-shirt in the colour of the pupil's team
  • Blue or black shorts
  • Suitable trainers for outdoor sports and pumps for indoor sports.
  • Track suit trousers to be worn for outside sports only when it is cold.
  • Light blue hoodies are available for outdoor PE lessons.


Jeans, leggings, cycling shorts, tracksuits and football shirts are NOT part of our uniform.


Swimming kit is also required for children when they attend swimming lessons, usually in Year 4, 5 and/or 6. Girls should wear a one-piece costume, boys' shorts must be above the knee.


Waterproof clothing and wellingtons are required for Woodland Classroom activities.
