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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Health and Well-being

Nutrition and Hydration Week 2024

Taking responsibility for my health

We started by reflecting on the impact of diet, exercise and sleep on the body. We talked about four categories;

  • diet
  • exercise
  • rest/relaxation
  • dental health

We discussed different questions to get us thinking about how and why to support these categories sharing something we do well already and made a plan or something new we could do. 


We talked about things we do to stop us from getting sick like washing our hands and keeping surfaces clean.

We discussed the the origins of immunisation and reasons for them today and then wrote our opinion about what we'd learnt. 

Good and bad habits

We now understand how we can take responsibility for our own health, that habits can be good or bad and can explain the consequences of actions.

Physical health concerns

We understand that changes in our bodies could be due to illness and can identify who we can talk to if we are worried about anything. We can explain some of the things we can do for ourselves if we are ill.

Children Mental Health Week 2024


As part of our learning this week we thought about the question 'What can I be?' and came up with some SMART goals for ourselves. We also talked about mindfulness and practiced yoga as a form of relaxation and even built up our own resilience toolkit.

To link to safer internet day we talked about the impact of technology on our health.

Yoga and breathing exercises

Mindfulness week 2 26/02/24

Building our resilience toolkit

Goal Setting


We wrote down writing all the differences of a growth and fixed mindset and created a beautiful new display based on the different statements we came up with. 

We learnt a dance to Waka Waka by Shakria. Some of us were in our comfort zone and really enjoyed it but we discussed how some of us didn't enjoy it as much and how it made us feel to do something that we found quite challenging and then how that could affect our mindset when taking on new challenges in our learning.

Waka Waka

Still image for this video

We discussed what goals we wanted to set ourselves, both long term and anything we can achieve this year. When we had decided on our goals we created a vision board to keep us motivated.



We spent this lesson taking note of what we need in ourselves. To fully understand that to take note means to live in the moment and be fully present we went in to the outside space and looked at every day objects from different perspectives to really notice the little things.


Still image for this video

We talked about what filling our cup meant and how it would feel to have an empty battery. We learnt about the chemical affect of stress on our body and discussed different things that could help us feel calm. 


When we had a bank of ideas we created a week-long calendar scheduling activities for self-care.
