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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

(Archive) Maple Class

🍁 Maple Class 🍁

Welcome to our class page.

Year 6 2022-2023

🍁 Take a tour of our classroom 🍁

Words that we have used to describe our classroom are; safe, colourful, natural, organised, tidy, relaxed, welcoming, helpful and inspiring. We hope you think so too.

🌿 Staff in Maple 🌿

Mrs Crowther is the class teacher in Maple Class. 

Mrs Baker is the Teaching Assistant providing support in Maple Class.

Miss West and Miss Jackson teach their specialist subjects; RE, Computing and Music on a Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs Spencer delivers French on Friday.

🍁 Maple Class Charter 🍁

🍁 2022-2023 Learning Overviews 🍁

Archived pages 2021-2022 below

Year 5/6 2021-2022

🌿 Take a tour around our classroom 🌿

🌿 Staff in Maple 🌿

Mrs Crowther is the class teacher in Maple Class. 

Mrs Wells teaches Maths and English to the Year 5 children.

Mrs Spencer teaches Science to the Year 5 children.

Miss West and Miss Jackson teach their specialist subjects on a Monday afternoon.
Mrs Baker, Mrs Cormack and Miss Johnstone are the Teaching Assistants providing support in Maple Class.

🍁 Maple Class Charter 🍁

🍁 2021-2022 Learning Overviews 🍁


Scroll down to see our learning from previous years.




Home Learning Spring 2021

Please see some of the super work we have been doing below, for our learning at home!

In January 2020, Beech (Y4) and Holly (Y5) merged to become the brand new Maple Class!
