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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


What I wonder ...

Describe the parts of an electric circuit

Circuit diagram, symbol, battery, circuit, wires

We spent some time exploring different parts that make up a circuit. Reminded ourselves about symbols and got to draw a circuit we made accurately.

Explore voltage and its effect on an electric circuit.

Voltage, voltmeter, brightness, electricity, current

We used a simulator online to discuss voltage and effects we noticed. Next we had time to use real resources to explore the effect.

Follow the link below to our linked learning to COP27 and our work about electric cars and SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Get Wired

We had a great workshop this morning. Have a look at the amazing links we made to our electricity learning.

Apply knowledge to identify and correct problems in a circuit

Blown, variable resistor, dimmer switch, LED, resistor

Investigate what affects the output of a circuit

Variable, fair test, control test, output, systematically
