Our Safeguarding Team
Our Safeguarding team at school:
Mrs Storey, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Thompson, Deputy DSL
Mrs Crowther
Miss Dunne
Mr D Norcross, Safeguarding Governor
If you have any concerns about the safety or well being on a pupil please do not hesitate to contact one of the safeguarding team.
Alternatively, if you are worried about any child you can contact the Cumbria Safeguarding Children Partnership for help and advice.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Safeguarding Concerns
Seascale School Safeguarding Statement
We take the safety and well being of the pupils at Seascale Primary School very seriously.
Here is our overarching Safeguarding Statement.
Overarching Safeguarding Statement
First Aid at Seascale
Staff with Paediatric First Aid qualifications:
L Jackson
E West
F Cormack
V Taylor
L Johnstone
J Merry
Staff with Emergency First Aid qualifications:
L Little
G Baker