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Seascale Primary School

Aim High



Mrs Thompson is our SEND Co-ordinator, our Designated Safeguarding Lead and Senior Lead for Mental Health and Wellbeing. She completed the NASENCO qualification in 2019. She has recently been appointed to be a Train the Trainer provider for the Autism Education Trust, in partnership with Cumbria Inclusion Service, and will deliver local training to primary schools in Cumbria.

Mrs Thompson is available to listen to any concerns or to provide advice. Please email to arrange a meeting or a call:


SEND provision at Seascale School

At Seascale Primary School we provide for children with a wide range of Special Educational Needs:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and/or Sensory Needs

These areas of need may overlap in many ways.



At Seascale School, we do not seek or require a diagnosis in order to support children: we teach each child according to their individual need. Only when these needs are significant enough to require support additional to, or different from, their peers do we begin to identify a child as having SEND. Most of our children with SEND work alongside their peers for their learning, sometimes with additional or different support within class. At times, children are supported outside of class in one-to-one activities with an adult or in small groups. There are times when children are sufficiently resourced to allow them to follow a bespoke curriculum in school to meet their learning needs. All children in school are enabled to follow the broad routines of the whole school and we actively encourage pupil independence within these parameters. We have a highly trained staff with experience of supporting children with a wide rage of needs and disabilities. All pupils are supported in building positive relationships with staff and children alike. 

At various times in their educational career, children may require differing levels of support with their learning. Parents and children will be consulted fully at all stages of this process, using a graduated response.

At Seascale School, we continually review our Special Needs provision, and we follow the guidelines as laid down by the Local Authority and the SEND Code of Practice. 

What parents and professionals have said about our support
