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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Weekly Learning 22.06.20

Home Learning week commencing 22.06.20

Hello Year 5!


I hope you are all well!


It seems last week's topic of 'The Rainforest' went down really well with lots of you! I've seen some brilliant work on Evidence Me and must say Elsa's homemade rainforest was amazing! Well done to all of you who have been completing your home learning. 


I was also really happy to see those of you who have been getting stuck in to the White Rose Maths we sent out last week. In particular, it was lovely to see Martha working hard and seeing all her maths on Evidence me, though I know you've all been working super hard. 


Don't forget, you can still access Lexia, IDL and accelerated reader quizzes at home. I know lots of you are still using TTRS and it is super important to keep up to speed with your times tables!


This week your theme is 'significant people' and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you all get up to! I'm going to be in school a little more this week and I'll be working in Year 1! That's quite a change isn't it?


Keep up the hard work and keep smiling :)


Mrs Wells 



Rounding Rap

Your first lesson this week is rounding decimals so I've linked the video to the rounding rap. Holly Year 5s will be familiar with this but it might be new to Rowan. We used it to round whole numbers but a lot of it will be applicable to rounding decimals. I hope you find this helpful!

Picture News W/C 22.06.20

Picture News at Home (better quality)
