Fantastic Mr Fox
The finished stories
Planning stories in Woodlands
Acting spoken words using green screen
We practised acting our scripts using the adverbs and the reporting clauses to help us with our expression and manner. Ralph was the director and filmed us in front of the green screen. We used iMovie to edit the film over the background of woodlands and fox holes.
Mr Fox shares his plan
Punctuating reported speech
We have been writing indirect speech using the correct punctuation. We have also been thinking carefully about using reporting clauses to show how a character is feeling. We practiced acting in role to learn about developing a character through the way they speak.
Boggis, Bunce, Bean and Mr Fox
We have drawn portraits of the main characters so far, using the adjectives in the book to describe their key features. We played a game in pairs where we needed to match the words to our partners’ portraits and check whether we were right!