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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Homework and Spellings are handed out on Wednesdays and should be handed back in the following Monday. 


Weekly homework consists of:

  • Reading at least 5 times per week at home and having an adult sign the child's planner
  • Completing weekly challenges/minutes on Lexia/IDL/TT Rockstars if they have not been completed during the allocated time at school
  • One other piece of homework, set online or in homework books


 All homework details are sent home on Wednesdays. Homework is also available to download below if a child has been ill, has lost their sheet or has forgotten what to do.


Children are grouped for spellings. They will receive weekly spellings in their spelling books and should practise 3 times before their check each Monday. 

Homework Bingo!

We have created a pick 'n' mix style set of homework activities to last the children throughout the year. These include Maths, English, STEM, Citizenship, Art, Topic, Healthy Living and Life Skills tasks.

Throughout the year children will be asked to complete these tasks, in any order: they should complete at least one per week but can complete more if they choose to do so. An adult signs and dates the bingo card in order for children to receive a sticker. Children can play for rewards by completing tasks to win a row, column or full house.

Take a look at our bingo challenges!
