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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Year 5 Coniston Residential

Year 4 Hawes End 2023

When we arrived we had an addition to the group, Jeff the pheasant

Our first activity was canoeing. We all went out onto the water and had a paddle around.

The Challenges!

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We had various tasks to complete whilst canoeing; standing up, spinning around, jumping and even swapping seats!

Jumping on the canoe

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Spin, Spin, Spin!

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Combining all the challenges together

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We're worth it

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I'm sure the videos show what advert we were trying to recreate

"The long the hair the better the flick."

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Nothing stopped the boys joining in

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L'oreal or mermaid?

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To end we had to pull the canoes onto the bank

Next up was Ghyll Scrambling

Due to the nature of the activity and the risk assessment from Hawes End photographs were more difficult to take during this activity. That said, here are some of the things the children got up to whilst scrambling.

Crawling through the gaps

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Catching waterfalls

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Shower time already?

Empty Wellie Time

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Washed, changed, ready for dinner

Followed by after dinner games before bed

Well rested, getting fueled ready for the day ahead

We headed out for the next activity

Geared up and ready to go, time to abseil!

A very scary activity. Roughly a 30m descent. We all got geared up, some of us went down, some of us went to the edge and leaned out,  others had a little peek and decided it wasn't for them. Everybody was extremely brave and pushed themselves out of their comfort zone.

Can you spot the difference?

Making our way down

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