Late/Absence Procedures including medical and holiday forms
Absence from school
Absences from School
If your child is absent from school it is essential that you send a note or telephone us, giving a reason for the absence. School must now keep statistics of absences during the year.
We must also keep statistics of children arriving late to school and for this purpose the school governors have deemed that children arriving later than 9am are late.
If your child has to leave early or arrive late, again, please send an explanatory note to your child’s teacher and ensure you sign the signing in and out book in the school office.
A child who leaves school early must be collected by an adult.
It is extremely important that you do not arrange family holidays during term time.
Holidays in term time are not permitted unless there are exceptional family circumstances.
Permission must be requested in advance, in writing, to the Head teacher and Attendance Committee.
Attendance Policy
Absence letter from Cumbria County Council
If your child needs any sort of medication during the day please contact the school.
We have a strict procedure for medicines in school. There are a restricted number of staff who are permitted to supervise medication and this can only be done after completion of a Health and Safety form and a note from a GP that states that the medication is necessary. We are advised that most medication, e.g. antibiotics can be given to children in 3 daily doses enabling parents to administer outside of school hours.
Functional medicines, such as insulin or inhalers, may be required on a regular basis, parental consent forms are still needed. Older children may self-administer inhalers, etc. but we will supervise this and must also keep a record.
If your child has a medical condition that we need to know about please complete the relevant documents