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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Living things and their habitats

Classify living organisms

Rocket words - classify, conifer, fern, living organism, microorganism

We recapped previous learning about classification keys and using liquorice all sorts created our own.

We then made them in our computing lesson.

Understand the kingdoms of life

Rocket words - cell, MRS GREN, unicellular, multicellular, kingdom


We worked in groups to produce a presentation about the kingdoms of life to each other. 

Classify living things using the Linnaean System

Rocket words - Carl Linnaeanus, domain, Latin, classification, species


Using research we learnt the scientific name for a range of living organisms.

Identify the characteristics of different types of microorganisms

Rocket words - microorganism, virus, bacteria, fungi, protozoa


As a class we conducted an experiment using bread and water to observe the change and growth or microorganisms over a week long period.


Classify and describe a living organism

Rocket words - classify, microorganism, reproduction, habitat, living organism


We used all the knowledge from this unit to create our own living organism.
