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Seascale Primary School

Aim High


Today we began our investigation into what happened to plants if you don’t give the, water or sunlight.

In the first week of our new topic, we learnt about all the things that plants need in order to grow. We then made some beautiful posters to share our new knowledge.

Our topic for the summer term is 'Growing plants'.

In Science this week, we investigated some micro habitats in our woodland area. We then made our own mini-beast hotel using objects we found outside.

We learnt all about food chains this week. We then used a creative way to represent the food chain of a bird.

We have been learning about habitats and micro habitats this week. We worked in teams to describe the habitat of our chosen animal.

Our topic for Spring 2 is ‘Living things and their habitats’.

We investigated lots of different materials to test their properties. We considered if the materials could be stretched, twisted, bent, or squished.

After learning about the different forces that can change the shape of a material. We decided to make our own material, and test if we could change it. We made putty. It was very messy and very sticky!

We looked at the different forced you could use to change the shape of a material. Bending, squashing, twisting and stretching.

We completed our own investigation to find out what material the objects in our class were made from.

After talking about forces, we began learning about John Dunlop and his invention of the pneumatic tyre. We then used our prior knowledge about different materials to answer some tricky questions.

This week we have been learning about different types of forces.

This week in Science we have been sorting objects by the materiel they are made from. We worked together as a class to create a vendiagram to sort out objects. We then made our own in our books.

Our Topic for Spring 1 is Everyday Materials.
