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Seascale Primary School

Aim High

Class Information

Who works in Beech Class?

Miss Conroy is the teacher in Beech Class. Mrs Carnall and Miss Culley help in class each day as teaching assistants. Miss West teaches Computing and PE on Monday afternoons.

Class Timetable

Staggered School Days


Dodd Wood - 8.50am - 3.00pm

Whinlatter - 8.55am - 3.05pm

Ennerdale - 9.00am - 3.10pm

Grizedale - 9.05am - 3.15pm

Parent <> Teacher Communication


You can reach Beech Class teachers on the email

or via Jackie if urgent. 


Updates will be sent regularly on Evidence Me, and we love to see parent updates from home too!


Homework will be assigned online where possible, using Lexia, Mathletics,, TTRS and Numbots. You can find your child's usernames and passwords in the front of their planner. 


Spellings will go home in handwriting books on Wednesdays. Please encourage your child to practise their spellings regularly throughout the week, and return their book to school on Mondays. 
