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Seascale Primary School

Aim High



At Seascale Primary School we aim to develop curious and inquisitive children who are keen to learn about the world around them. We hope to inspire our pupils to ask questions and find solutions through curiosity. planning, observing, measuring, testing, hypothesising and drawing conclusions and be able to make sense of the world around them. We want to promote the wide career opportunities that Science has to offer and to link them to our learning.



We have planned our curriculum delivery to take account of the best time to deliver units of work linked to the seasons and weather in Cumberland. We have recently adopted a new online scheme of work called Developing Experts and have adjusted the learning objectives to suit our specific requirements. We have planned our subject order so that the topics link effectively with other curricular areas. We enhance this further with Explorify and Learning By Questions. 


Where possible, we teach KS2 Science in specific year groups and timetable full afternoons for its delivery. Lessons are a combination of theoretical and practical experiences and the school is well equipped to deliver the content of the National Curriculum. We know that children are engaged with practical, hands on activities, which we incorporate in our lessons. We have excellent school grounds which allow us to deliver much of our habitat studies on site.


We follow up the units of learning using the TAPS assessment for the Working Scientifically aspect. (See the progression table below.)
We have carefully planned the assessments to align with the Developing Experts scheme of work. This allows the teacher to focus on a specific strand of Working Scientifically within the topic cycle. Over the year, all aspects of Working Scientifically are taught and assessed.





We have developed our own science subject assessment tracker  to record  the children's progress and successes. 

Learning is evidenced in books and a whole class floor book. We also keep long term study books for the class to learn about specific environmental areas in our school grounds linking this with other curricular areas.

We hope that developing a love of Science in Primary School will lead to more pupils developing this into life long curiosity about the world around them and an understanding of their place in the World.




We use the following symbols to identify the 5 enquiry types and the 10 skills we learn and develop in science lessons. 

(Source: Seerih-Innovations)

(Source: Primary Science Education Consultancy)

Each class is also allocated a Long Term Study Area where we observe an area of our school in each season and link this to lots of areas in the curriculum including science, geography, English and art.